
Founder Becomes Writer for Industry Magazine
Founder of WashGuys, becomes a writer for Detailer's Digest a Premier monthly magazine for the Automotive Detailing Industry. Detailers Digest is in it's fourth year and has already surpassed all other Automotive Detailing Magazines in the World. Detailer's Digest also hosts the largest Automotive Aftermarket Services Trade show each year in Florida.
We are proud to be recognized as one of the leading authorities in the detailing industry. The Detail Guys is currently one of the top three Detailing Franchises in the United States and perhaps fifth worldwide. It is for this reason that we feel it our honor to help shape the future of the automotive detailing markets. We feel up for the challenge and are glad to have one of our own at the helm in the largest and number one rated Detailing Magazine in the World.
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