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Detail Guys Start Offering Auto-Detailing and Car Washing Services in Chandler, Mesa and Tempe, AZ

Detail Guys Start Offering Auto Detailing and Car Washing Services in Chandler, Mesa and Tempe, AZ. Previously the Detail Guys were only offering services in Scottsdale, Queens Creek, Phoenix and Fountain Hills. The Detail Guys are taking over the Auto Detailing Market in Phoenix because it is there. Which seems to be a good reason.

Phoenix is very closely watching it's water supply as it heads into the summer months. SRP and other water sources are being extremely careful and the Governor has called for a Strategic Water Resources and Drought Plan. Detail Guys are highly efficient in there minimal usage of water. Business is good in the Phoenix MSA and we are working hard to wash all the cars and have added this Express Wash and Express Detail Unit.

This unit often is so busy it works well into the evening hours and is currently running a crew of three and is busy all day, every day. By keeping periodic customers happy by offering weekly wash and express wash services, we are insured an ongoing relationship with these consumers and therefore get all their auto detailing services and referrals.

This unit is set at a low water usage rate of under 7 gallons per car for SUVs and under 5 gallons for midsize cars and about 3-4 gallons for compacts. We are serious about Water Conservation in the Arizona Oasis we call Phoenix. In the Desert water is life. We understand and respect this fact as we move forward to become and remain the most efficient wet water wash and detail service in the World.

Innovation requires risk and we have been innovative in our efforts to build an environmentally friendly and water conscienous unit to serve the needs of the masses. By using the strength of bundling mobile services that our customers want and need we are gaining ground and surpassing other companies. And what do our customer say about this?

They Absolutely Love It. And they love the Detail Guys.

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