The Detail Guys web traffic is up for FY 2002 by astronomical
- Page Views Ranking:
- Web Traffic
- Reach Rank overall traffic
- Reach Rank per 1 million Internet Users
- 2002 Number One Site For Any Auto Detailing Services Company
- 2002 Number One visited Detailing Franchise Site
- 2002 Number One visited Detailing Business opportunity Site
- 2002 Number Two visited Detailing Industry Web Site
- 2002 Total Number of Hits Second in Industry
- 2002 Ends with over 2 million Hits Total
Why is all this so important? Well it means if someone orders a Detail on
the Internet for their car, chances are they will come to our site first to get that
service, therefore our team advances in the market place. It means Brand Name
recognition, it means synergy, new customers and more market share. It means we have
the tools to keep winning.
We would like to thank our Web Team at Cyprus Communications, for making us
number one on the web. Our Franchisees win, when our Web Team dominates
cyberspace. Just another way we support our team and push towards victory.
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