8-Bay Detail Centers Test Market Completed
We have completed our 3-Year Test Market of the Detail Guys Super Center.
After watching the automobile trends for 5 years and running this facility in conjunction
with a franchisee in Reno, NV we have learned a great deal in a very short amount of time.
We were also able to put together a significant number of vendors to help with support.
We learned about Paint and Dent Repair, both paintless and air-less. We
studied oil additives, bed liners spray systems, clear coat sealants, aftermarket
warranties, vending machine sales, buffers, wash bays, shop flooring and coating, web
sales, management, training, color sanding, labor scheduling, royalty receivables,
wholesale detailing, retail detail marketing, commission technicians, rotating shifts,
energy requirements, artificial lighting, multiple locations, on-site and off site
Dealership Detailing and fixed billing costs for customers. Yes, a lot to learn in 3-years
and we want to thank our team for studying, learning, adapting, and overcoming obstacles.
As many of you realize we have now started to compete
directly with Ziebart Corp. and plan on going head to head with them in any market. We
feel we have a superior concept and a better understanding of the reality of the industry.
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