Detail Guys Return from SEMA and AAPEX Shows in Las Vegas
What an incredible week we had at the SEMA show which beat all
previous records. This years show had 88,00 pre-registrations before October 15 on the
Internet as well as 90,000 during the show. There was an estimated 250,000 daily visitors
from almost every country in the world, 4 countries on the planet did not have any guests.
The show of course was great for Detail Guys as well as the 1400 exhibitors. This years
show included passes to AAPEX which had over 500 exhibitors. Who did not attend? Well
anyone who is not really in the running, we guess?
The SEMA Show is now ranked 18th in the World for size and that
includes every Industry and even the World Fair. It is larger than Comdex now by another
third the size and is the second largest show in all of Las Vegas as of 2002 and appears
it will possibly break the record in attendance, however there are two more large shows
coming still this year in Las Vegas, which might come close.
Every year Detail Guys set up and attend trade shows to keep our team
updated on new technologies, service issues, vendors, new products and industry contacts.
It is not easy to go to all these shows and know the automotive aftermarket industry so
well. It is a lot of hard work. We believe it is vital for anyone in the industry to stay
informed and not be left in the dust. We are the dust makers, not the dust eaters.
For those of you who may not be familiar with SEMA or AAPEX. SEMA
stands for; Specialty Equipment Market Association and you can check out their web site
at; http://www.sema.org/ . Why is this important to us? These are all the people who make
everything that is attached to the modern and antique automobile, the ones we detail. If
it was mad for a car, it was at the show. If it is a service for a car, it was at the
show. If it was product for a car or the industry it was at the show. The
only thing not at the show was, people and companies who are posers.
AAPEX stands for; Automotive Aftermarket Products EXPO. For more information check out;
http://www.aapexshow.com . Between these shows everyone who was anyone as well as nearly
all of our vendors were also there on display. All but two.
We discussed our purchases and group buying economies of scale with
Mother's Waxes, Auto Magic, Turtle Wax, Simonize, Pro, Eagle 1, Beauty Shine, Maguire's,
Production and at least 20 other brands which are new to the market. We also discussed our
product purchases for equipment with at least as many companies. Was there anything new? Yes about 15 things
we had never seen or heard of before from companies that no one really ever heard of. We
are able to help our team to the best prices and services through these relationships with
our vendors to make us number one and to beat the competition. Boy are we tired after
standing on our feet for nearly a week straight. But all in all there is no place we would
have rather been.

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