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Detail Guys Help Number one Industry Portal

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The Detail Guys are helping clean up the environment by finding easy and cost efficient ways to render services and reclaim water. A big part of this process is education and no one has a better understanding of the detailing industry and all aspects as MobileWorks.com. The EPA is very specific in The Federal Clean Water Act Guidelines and follow-up rules. Once a detailer understands these basic laws, he/she has the knowledge necessary to discuss the Best Management Practices with local authorities. Local authorities are now enforcing these BMPs through National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permits in each jurisdiction. It is possible to comply with these NPDES without breaking the bank, which is exactly what the Industry needs. Here is the best place to start; Click here to continue

Mobilworks.com is run by Industry Leader, Dan Ekenberg, Who also runs, The Detailer's Edge. Dan is a long time veteran of the industry and has built the number one industry portal for Detailing. We recommend that everyone who is one of our Team Members or even a small independent detailer sign up for Mobileworks.com "FREE" online newsletter.

These newsletters are packed with good information on marketing, techniques, new products, co-marketing opportunities, ancillary services, and the latest and greatest ideas through out the world in Detailing. Click here and put you email address in the "Free" Newsletter box. www.mobileworks.com. There are many ways to prevent run-off pollution, such as allowing waste water to flow into landscaping such as grass or flower beds. Just think by following EPA guidelines and learning the best techniques, products and equipment at MobileWorks.com, you can easily remain at the top of the Professional Detailing Field.

Detail Guys take great pride in honoring one of Detailing's Industry Leaders. Dan Ekenberg and MobileWorks.com deserve this title, as they are helping shape the future of the Professional Detailing Industry, won't you help by joining the Industry Leaders and participating in the standardization and consumer awareness of the art of Detailing by promoting clean and safe in your quest for excellence and perfection.

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