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WashGuys Research Division Visits Biosphere II

WashGuys visited Columbia University's Biosphere II Project. WashGuys have been interested in the debate over Global Warming for the past five years due to the signs of a possible problem on our own continent. Many things have occurred in a relatively short time frame as far as climate changes go on this planet. We had a Solar Maximum occur three years ago at the height of the normal Solar Cycle of 22 years. Five years ago we discovered holes in the ozone over the poles of the Earth. We have had five years of extreme droughts in the US and now we are looking at massive El Nino storms on the West Coast as we just got over some rather turbulent Hurricanes.

All these things effect the Washing and Detailing Industry. We have been studying the drought for quite a while, here is just some of what we have found thus far. Of course our study is no where complete as we live in linear time and the clock keeps ticking into the future. Below are some recent posts of our findings;

As you can see droughts are very serious to our business, since water is used in nearly all of our services, except for perhaps mobile oil changes; The Oil Change Guys. We have seen the drought situation become very serious and now we are looking at a harsh El Nino season, which will hurt the number of days we can work due to an increase in rain days on the West Coast and more snow days post Cascades, Sierra Nevada's and Rocky Mountains.

The Biosphere II is testing various regions on different levels of CO2 in the artificial atmospheres within the structures. There is an ocean, a desert, a rain forest and regular forest inside where many tests are being made. The next few years as we come off this Solar Maximum peak will let us know if the scientists predictions are correct or if our increased ambient temperatures are a factor of the increased solar flair activity of our sun and not necessarily all mankind's doing. Either way we at the WashGuys are looking ahead and hedging our bet no matter what happens. We have been working with our vendors to get another 30% more efficiency in our water use and even looking into a possible no water solution within the next 8-10 years using a Plasma Torch which works at low temperatures, with zero water and completely touchless.

While at the Biosphere II we talked with Science Fiction writer and Scientist, Dr. Ben Bova, www.BenBova.com, during a speech and book signing. He indicated that colonies on the moon will need someone to wash the dirt which gets all over everything and will be a problem for solar panels and windows which will not allow light to penetrate. As a matter of fact there was quite a bit of dirt on the first Apollo Landing unit, from the dusty environment there. Ben Bova advised our founder that perhaps he ought to look into the free market viability of WashGuy's franchised territories on the moon. Ben Bova is also a fan of the Friedman Economic System, Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in general. It was rather interesting to look ahead 50-80 years in the future with the estimated Earth population of 65 million people and colonies on the moon. Yes, just like your grandmother had seen the invention of the car to super sonic flight we will see trains, planes and automobiles change to space craft, space station resorts, colonies on the moon, hydro cushioned non-rail trains and hover craft personal aircraft instead of cars. And we will be washing all of them, that we guarantee.

Now back to Earth. Whatever the final verdict and necessary changes we as humans living on the surface of this little Blue Planet need to make, the WashGuys are going to be there making it happen. Humankind is kind of at a cross roads, with all the new technology available, we are learning more and more about our role in what Dr. Ben Bova calls Biosphere I, that is our Atmosphere and environment as we know it. Does this mean we should all be worried as we were during the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, The day all the planets lined up, Y2K, or a bunch of International Terrorist nut cases nuking our cities and sending biological weapons which will destroy all we are and all we have built? No, not necessarily, what it means is that we pay attention, work together, stay heads up and conquer these fears and find solutions if necessary to master our world and make Heaven a place here on Earth where all peoples of the World can live in the desired utopia we all seek. Can we do it. Of course we can, we are the greatest company ever created living in the greatest country ever conceived and on the best planet our species could ever hope to discover.

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