When we construct our Detail Guys Trailers we use all of the
materials we purchase leaving no scrap metal. Every last piece of metal is used on
the trailer. This helps to keep us on the leading edge of the ecological and
environmental efforts.
Every imperfection in the metal is ground down to make for a
flawless paint job. Each trailer is meticulously inspected by members of The Detail
Guys senior staff.
Each trailer is reinforced with side and cross members with heavy
guage steel. After construction, each trailer is taken off road, and tested for
durability over bumps and debris. If any welds come undone or anything breaks it is
immediately repaired and the problem analyzed to ensure a repeat does not occur.
Our trailers are so durable that you cannot break them. If for
some reason you do such as driving off an overpass we have spare trailers which we loan to
you. This is a service which is paid for from your franchise royalties.
Each wall is constructed with 1/8 inch steel and shock mounted with
silicon caulking compound, so that it doesn't leak when it rains or rattle when you drive
over speedbumps or over curbs. We have spent over $55,000 in the prototype
development model.
Each siding is etched with a special rust inhibited compound and
sanded to ensure paint sticks in the most extreme environments.
Each trailer is then prepped and painted Dodge viper bright
yellow, a special color used by racing companies on the Indy circuit.
The paint is a formulated blend and is a two-stage paint, which must
be painted at a certain temperature. The paint job is then baked for 6.5 hours
at 147 degrees. The result is a perfect paint job, painted by Ron Sutton and his
crew, with a combined painting experience of 46 years.
This is what the trailer looks like before the reflex blue
grade II decals are applied at room temperature.